From Ideas into Real World Solutions

Dilnoza Shaumarova

Dispelling the Myth

Design is not solely about aesthetics. Design methodologies are enriched with insights into user psychology, ensuring the development of products that are relevant, straightforward, and sense-making, thus enhancing the probability of adoption and success. As a designer, I believe it is crucial to open up the borders and make design accessible and comprehensible to all. Through the democratization of design methodologies, I hope we can cultivate a future where co-creation and a shared vision are societal norms.

12 Design Strategies to Innovate

1. Blue Ocean Strategy

  • Principle: Create uncontested market space, making the competition irrelevant by innovating and adding unprecedented value.
  • Try this: Value Innovation — focusing on making the competition irrelevant by creating a leap in value for both the company and its customers.

2. Jobs to be Done Framework

  • Principle: People “hire” products or services to get a “job” done.
  • Try this: Focus on understanding the job the customer is trying to accomplish and design solutions that fulfil that job effectively.

3. First Principles Thinking

  • Principle: Break down complex problems into their most basic, fundamental parts and then reassemble them from the ground up.
  • Try this: Understand the foundational elements of a problem, challenge assumptions, and reconstruct solutions from the ground up.

4. 10x Thinking

  • Principle: Aim for 10 times improvement rather than incremental changes.
  • Try this: Reimagine and redesign systems and solutions completely, rather than improving existing ones.

5. Minimum Desirable Product (MDP)

  • Principle: Go beyond MVP (Minimum Viable Product) to create products that people desire from day one.
  • Try this: Focus on delight factors and emotional design to create immediate desire and preference.

6. Service-Dominant Logic

  • Principle: View products as a medium for service provision and focus on the co-creation of value.
  • Try this: Engage customers in the value creation process and design solutions around service ecosystems.

7. Anticipatory Design

  • Principle: Anticipate user needs and make decisions on their behalf to simplify experiences.
  • Try this: Leverage data and machine learning to predict user needs and automate decision-making processes.

8. Circular Design

  • Principle: Design products and systems that are restorative and regenerative by design, minimizing waste and making the most of resources.
  • Try this: Consider the entire lifecycle of the product and design for longevity, repairability, and recyclability. Consider its impact on the environment and the community.

9. Frictionless Design

  • Principle: Remove obstacles and barriers in the user journey to create seamless and effortless experiences.
  • Try this: Simplify processes, reduce steps, and optimize interfaces to minimize user effort and cognitive load.

10. Inclusive Design

  • Principle: Design products and services that are accessible and usable by as many people as possible.
  • Try this: Consider the diverse needs and abilities of all potential users throughout the design process.

11. Systems Thinking

  • Principle: Understand and optimize the entire system rather than individual components.
  • Try this: Map out the entire system and identify leverage points where small changes can have a big impact.

12. Design with the community

  • Principle: Participatory design.
  • Try this: Involve end-users in the design process to create products and services that better meet their needs and expectations by applying their knowledge and experiences.

I trust these examples will inspire you to explore the potential inherent in designing methodologies. These principles can aid in developing solutions that are not only innovative and valuable but also widely embraced and enduring.