Beyond The Visible

Dilnoza Shaumarova


The inception of this exploration unfolded during a seemingly ordinary conversation with a friend. As he narrated the details of a scientific experiment that had unexpectedly deviated (the details of which I will spare you from), a thought began to crystallize in my mind: could there be a parallel between the unseen forces of dark energy in the cosmos and the unseen forces of the unconscious mind? This article is rather a thought experiment, which I hope can provoke reflections on the nature of consciousness, existence, and the universe. Let’s embark on the exploration of the idea.

Mind and the Cosmos

In the boundless expanse of the universe and the intricate depths of the human mind, reside mysteries that have captivated thinkers, scientists, and philosophers for centuries. Quantum physics and analytical psychology, though seemingly disparate fields, have both ventured into realms that challenge our conventional understanding of reality and consciousness.

Carl Jung, a Swiss psychiatrist, and Wolfgang Pauli, a pioneer of quantum theory, developed the concept of synchronicity, the occurrence of meaningful coincidences that cannot be explained by causality. They explored this concept collaboratively, seeking to understand the non-causal relationships and interconnectedness inherent in both the psychological and the physical realms.

Jung also introduced the concept of the collective unconscious, a layer of the unconscious mind shared by all humans, containing universal archetypes and symbols. He posited that this collective unconscious influences individual thoughts, behaviors, and dreams, shaping our perceptions of reality.

However, the unconscious does more than just influence—it can predict. Much like the unseen side of the moon, the unconscious harbors memories, desires, and fears that, while not immediately visible, can forecast our reactions, choices, and behaviors. It operates much like the transition from day into night, a continuous cycle where what's concealed in the shadows eventually comes to light.

Dark Energy & Dark Matter

In the realm of cosmology, dark energy and dark matter are enigmatic forces believed to constitute approximately 95% of the universe. Dark energy, with its repulsive effect, is thought to be responsible for the accelerated expansion of the universe, while dark matter, through its gravitational influence, binds galaxies together. These entities, although invisible and undetectable, play a crucial role in shaping the structure and dynamics of the cosmos—and intriguingly, they interact with us, possibly influencing our very existence.

It is estimated that every second, about 2.5×10−162.5×10−16 kilograms of dark matter passes through the human body. Over a lifetime, this amounts to just under 1 milligram of dark matter traversing through us. These invisible passages of dark matter through our beings suggest a profound interconnectedness with the universe, indicating a relationship between what we can see and understand and what remains unseen and unknown. This interaction prompts wonder and curiosity about the unseen forces that link our existence to the structure of the cosmos.

Conceptual Parallels

• Invisible Influence: Dark energy, though unseen, has a profound impact on the cosmos, driving its expansion. Similarly, the unconscious, though not directly observable, shapes our perceptions, motivations, and reactions.

• Pervasiveness: Dark energy permeates the entire cosmos, much like the collective unconscious, which, according to Jung, is a universal aspect of the human psyche, influencing cultures, societies, and individuals across time and space.

Potential Implications

• Unified Field of Existence: If the unconscious were somehow linked to dark energy, it could imply a unified field of existence where mind and matter, consciousness and cosmos, are interconnected aspects of a singular, holistic reality.

• Consciousness and Cosmology: Such a connection could suggest that consciousness is not merely a product of biological evolution but is inherently woven into the fabric of the universe, potentially offering new perspectives on the relationship between consciousness and the cosmos.

• Metaphysical Insights: This speculative association could provide metaphysical insights into the nature of existence, potentially bridging scientific, philosophical, and spiritual perspectives.

Scientific Perspective

From a scientific standpoint, there is currently no empirical evidence or theoretical framework that supports a direct connection or equivalence between the unconscious and dark energy. The scientific understanding of dark matter and dark energy is based on their gravitational and cosmological effects, while the concept of the unconscious is based on psychological observations and theories. Bridging these separate domains would require a revolutionary advancement in both our understanding of consciousness and the fundamental nature of reality.


While there is no scientific evidence currently supporting a direct connection between dark energy and the unconscious, exploring this idea can invite us to reflect on the possibility of a unified, invisible force that shapes the essence of existence, influencing our perceptions and realities. It could explain our connection to something greater than us, part of the web of consciousness. It could be that we are not only interconnected with this force but are also in a perpetual dialogue with it, collaboratively shaping the course of our destiny.